Have you ever sat down to do an end of the year meeting and just didn’t know where to start? No worries, we are here to help you and guide you through each step of the way so that you can have a successful business meeting and begin reaching new heights in the new year! We strongly believe that before you push forward it is always good to have a strong understanding of where you are right now. Below you will find a check list of our step by step tasks for having a successful end of/beginning of year business meeting. Be sure to check out our freebie here that will go into more detail for you as well!
Be ready to brain dump when you first begin. We had chicken scratch type notes all over the place. It isn’t a must do in this order list but be sure to write down all of your ideas, give them an order and timeframe of when you can accomplish them then dive into your numbers!
Grab our more detailed FREE guide HERE.
The Cannons Photography are husband and wife wedding photographers and educators for kindhearted and joyful couples & photographers. We love serving and creating a timeless experience in Ohio, and beyond! We are the hosts of The Graceful Gathering a styled boutique conference for kindhearted wedding photographers.
Courtney and Robert
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Courtney and Robert