February 16, 2017

“Uninvited” By Lysa TerKeurst | A Book Review

Uninvited Book Review, Akron Wedding Photographer, The Cannon's Photography

I recently finished reading the book “Uninvited” by Lysa TerKeurst. First of all, I enjoy reading but I tend to spend far too much time scrolling my facebook and instagram feed and not enough time in a book so the fact that I FINISHED a book is huge news! It also shows you just how great of a book it truly is. This book hit home for me in more ways than one and it was such an inspiration to feel as if someone else truly understood my thoughts and everyday feelings in life. Fair warning, before you read on this post gets kind of deep and personal and reveals parts of my heart that I often don’t outwardly share.


Lysa discusses rejection in “Uninvited” along with the truth that God loves us. She also teaches that we need to learn to love ourselves and others with God’s love.


CONFESSION: I’m not sure where it came from exactly but for years I often wonder if I’m really accepted. I can be in a room of the kindest people who are full of joy and still wonder, do they really like me? Does anyone else ever feel this way? Am I alone here? I hope not.


I often make up what others must think about me and guys, this is silly. There is no reason to make up thoughts for other people that 9 times out of 10 they NEVER had. Lyra states, “ Our minds and hearts are like dry sponges. What we focus on is what will soak in and saturate us.” When I think more about what people may be saying or thinking I soak up emotions and thoughts that are getting in the way of positive uplifting experiences and friendships.  Why do we pull ourselves down when God wants to lift us up? I personally am learning to focus only on the positive loving thoughts and trying really hard to not think about what negative thoughts people could be thinking.


“Rejection steals the best of who I am by reinforcing the worst of what’s been said to me.”


So, as I move ahead in 2017 one of the goals I am excited to focus on is constantly walking into a room with kindness and confidence knowing that I am loved. When we feel loved, and know that there are exciting opportunities that are waiting just for us, then we can celebrate with others in their success as well. Today I challenge you to step back and remind yourself of the many blessings that surround you everyday. The opportunities that can only arise due to another oppertunity ending and the joy that comes from feeling wholly loved and content with who you are. I am determined to put even the smallest rejections behind me and grow in grace.


“ Each hole left from rejection must become an opportunity to create more and more space for grace in my heart.”


If you ever feel like maybe you just don’t fit in or wonder why an opportunity hasn’t come to you when it has for so many others “Uninvited” is for you. It is truly a heart touching reminder that you are loved and you are so deserving of God’s never-ending love and strength each and every day.


“There is an abundant need for your exact brand of beautiful.”


I hope all of that made sense. It was a lot of thoughts condensed into one post. Please feel free to share your thoughts or story in the comments!

Uninvited Book Review, Akron Wedding Photographer, The Cannon's Photography Uninvited Book Review, Akron Wedding Photographer, The Cannon's Photography
Uninvited Book Review, Akron Wedding Photographer, The Cannon's Photography

Uninvited Book Review, Akron Wedding Photographer, The Cannon's Photography


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Courtney and Robert

We believe in grace, grit, giving more than you take, and that there are still kind-hearted people in this world.

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